Friday, December 23, 2005

Intelligent Design Ranting

Okay, Christmas Eve is just a few minutes away and (as usual) quite a few hysterical politicians and right-wing nutjobs want to defile the name of God by using it for some bizzare purpose.

Yep, the "Intelligent Design" drama continues to play itself out this holiday season. With all the problems in the world today, some people still have time to worry about whether we (ie those objects in the known universe) were created by a gigantic explosion or the voice of God. This ranks right up there with whether we came from dust or monkeys on the "oh yeah, that's so important" scale, in my opinion.

Hard science vs. religious faith is an ongoing battle. Like Coke vs. Pepsi, Ginger vs. Mary Ann, or "Tastes Great" vs. "Less Filling." As with these great questions, there are very few clear answers, but the burning question in my mind is why the two can not be reconciled. I am a Christian, I go to church, and (to quote The Book Of Common Prayer,) " I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord... " I also believe in physics, logic, and Earth Science. I believe that while Divinely Inspired, The Bible has been written and translated ad infinitum by human beings. Maybe what God originally called a "day" was actually ten million years by today's standards, who knows? And does it really matter? As I understand it, faith comes from belief in that for which there may not be an immediate proof.

If a Bible story is so threatening to this scientific theory, then perhaps the theory itself isn't so solid. On the other hand, if teaching a scientific theory is going to rattle your faith to the core, then that faith must not be very strong. There is no possible way for anyone who is determined NOT to see the opposing opinion to ever understand it, so why bother fighting?

Here's my take on the whole thing: Scientific facts define that which we call "reality." These facts are essential in the creation of our life-experience. God, however, operates above and beyond that which we call "reality." Yes, God can do anything...including providing us with a set of logical explanations for the world around us. Faith and science can peacefully coexist. I am happy to celebrate the birth of Jesus without having to carbon-date the fragments of the wooden manger or test the chemical possibility of turning wine into water. I am perfectly comfortable in making the leap of faith and saying my prayers when I go to bed, even if Darwin's Origin of the Species is on my bedside table (which it isn't, actually, but you get the point.)

That's today's sermon...Merry Christmas Eve.


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Time Is Here...

Okay, admit were humming "Christmas Time Is Here" from A Charlie Brown Christmas, weren't you?

Christmas is indeed, almost here, and I guess I'm ready for it. Gifts are purchased for friends and family, most of them are wrapped, and the Christmas cards are addressed for mailing tomorrow (just in time to arrive everywhere sometime around December 30th...oh, well.)

South Pacific is going very well, and the cast for The King & I has been set. I am looking forward to both, and they should both be very good shows.

That's all for now. More later...


Monday, December 12, 2005

Always Read The Directions

...this is good advice to live by. I have just missed seeing one of my best and dearest friends who was in Birmingham for the day. For those of you who know Paul Zahl, (former Dean at Advent,) he was in town for the day for a book-signing, and I had planned to attend a reception in his honor. Well, genius that I am, I thought I knew where it was being held, and went there expecting a wonderful visit. What I found was a locked door and vacant hallways. Apparently the reception was NOT at the publishing house's office (as I had assumed.) My efforts to locate the original invitation and/or anyone who knew where the reception actually was being held were fruitless. I finally gave up and went home.

Bottom line: I screwed up. Always read the directions,'ll serve you well.

Other than that, today has been a fairly good day. By all indications, Cinderella did very well money-wise, and we will be able to pay all the bills and launch The King & I with a small nest egg.

I am re-reading Angela's Ashes for the umpty-zillionth time. I am always amazed at how good it is. I have a copy of 'Tis somewhere, and will have to dig it out soon. I have never read any of Malachy McCourt's work, but I understand he is a great literary (and literal) sibling to brother Frank. As an Anglophile, I suppose I should resent the less-than-sterling images of the English offered by Mr. McCourt, the Son of Erin...however, the writing is just so damn good, I have to let it slide. If you haven't read McCourt, I strongly endorse his work.

Only 13 days till Christmas. Wow, it seems like every year, it just goes by faster and faster. I am working on a story for WBHM about seasonal depression, and while SD is a very valid phenomenon, I have to wonder if there are more of us who simply look around and say "Christmas is here? Where is it? When? Where did it go?"

Anyway, you've got 13 more days to drum up some Christmas Spirit. Fa-la-la-la-la...


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Going Back To The Ball...

Well, it's time to shift gears tonight and leave the tropics and Bali H'ai behind for a weekend and return to fairy-tale land with Cinderella, which concludes its run with 4 shows beginning tonight. I have enjoyed it, but am looking forward to getting more involved with South Pacific and beginning The King & I. (It looks like I'm definitely on the Rodgers and Hammerstein mini-marathon...:-)
Not much else to report. I am subbing again tomorrow at Vestavia High School, and it looks like I will be there pretty much every day until Christmas break. This is great with me, as I enjoy the work and definitely appreciate the paycheck! The kids are almost always well-behaved, too, so it's really a good deal.
It's raining and gloomy today, so I suppose we can assume that winter in Alabama has definitely settled in. Luckily, it never gets terribly cold (by most people's standards, but remember...I complain if the mercury falls below 60.) The main problem with December-February in this part of the country is that the world takes on a constant slate-gray veneer and everything seems moist and chilly. Oh well, Spring gets closer every day... (as I try to remind myself!)

Postage goes up to 39 cents tomorrow...mail those letters before midnight and fight "the man."


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

New Day, New Knowledge...

I just learned something I never friend Don Thornburgh, of VST fame, has informed me that the answer to the question of life, THE UNIVERSE, AND EVERYTHING IS......

(drum roll)
(great anticipation)
(baited breath)...


For those of you who happen to be fans of the Douglas Adams series, you already knew that. I must admit to never having read the books, but now perhaps I will. I'm still not sure how 42 fits into the grand scheme of all that exists, but who am I to argue with Douglas Adams?


Monday, December 05, 2005


As if I didn't have enough going on theatrically, I have now gotten myself involved with South Pacific, which will be performing at Virginia Samford Theatre in mid-January. (I guess that answers the whole "what to do between Cinderella and The King & I" question...looks like a Rodgers & Hammerstein Christmas for me! :-)
I am very happy to be playing the role of Captain Brackett, which is the same role my old friend, teacher, and mentor Andy Gainey played in the 1986 (my God...20 years...) production at Summerfest. I will do my best to honor his memory in the part, and perhaps to bring out a bit of A.G. in my interpretation. Brackett is a fairly large part, and it will be fun to act alongside Kristi Tingle-Higginbotham and Bill Bugg (local celebrities, both) in the leading roles.
For those of you who are interested, this is what I know of the cast list:
EMILE DE BECQUE............................Bill Bugg
NELLIE FORBUSH.............................Kristi Tingle-Higginbotham
LUTHER BILLIS.................................Jeff Johnson
LIEUTENANT CABLE.......................Lucas Pepke
BLOODY MARY..................................Ginger Goodall
CAPTAIN BRACKETT.......................Frank Thompson
COMMANDER HARBISON..............Don Everett Garrett
BUZZ ADAMS.....................................Russell Jones
STEWPOT...........................................Raymond Quintero
PROFESSOR.......................................Howard Green
NURSE.................................................Leah Luker
NURSE.................................................Vicki Goldstein
There are others in the cast, but these are the only ones I know going into the rehearsal process. It looks like a fun group, and it will be nice to work with our producer, Jack Mann (who was supposed to direct, but has had to step aside to handle some personal issues) and Dane Peterson, who will be directing the show. There is a pretty big CenterStage representation in the cast, which is very good from the perspective of getting our name spread even more in the community. Melissa is choreographing the show, and Michael King (music director) has also worked with CenterStage a great deal in the past. I am sure that over the next few weeks there will be plenty of South Pacific commentary.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Cinderella Arrives

Once again, it's opening night. Cinderella has come together beautifully, and is going to be a very good show. Melissa has done a nice job directing, the sets & costumes are quite impressive, and the performers are well-rehearsed and ready to go. Of course, it's just a little too sugar-sweet for my tastes, but the kids should love it, and it's extremely family-friendly...perfect for the holidays!
I have been substitute teaching all week at Vestavia High School, which has been good for the bank account, but I decided to take today as a day of catching up on school and a few other things. We are signing the contract for our new office at Virginia Samford Theatre today. It will be good to be there, and the office itself has a cozy, comfortable feel. The people at VST are very nice and accomodating, and I am looking forward to having our office up and running.
Looking ahead to The King & I, we have auditions coming up in about three weeks. I'm excited about directing the show, and judging by the advance interest that has been expressed to me, we should have an excellent cast.
It's FREEZING today. Just thought I'd share that.