Monday, May 22, 2006

Sopranos musings, KATE update and philosophical question...

Well, last night was the pentultimate episode of this series of The Sopranos. Starting in January, the final 8 episodes will air, and then television will lose one of (if not the) best shows it has seen in some time. Last night saw Vito's inevitable death...and I must say that I was sad to see him go. I had originally disliked the character and wished him gone, but I changed my mind after seeing him in the scenes with his wife and kids, as well as the relationship with the New Hampshire fireman. (Granted, I could have done without some of the love scenes, but they were very mild, and truly did serve a plot purpose.) It's interesting that such a minor character (until last series) was so instrumental in "humanizing" the Mafia guys. Quite possibly only Tony has shown as much of a gentle side as Vito did. Also interesting was Carmella's dream about Adrianna in Paris. The previews lead us to believe that the final episode involves Carm asking some not-so-comfortable questions about Ade's death...

At this point, Little Britain on BBC America is the only other show I truly love. Check it out if you haven't seen it. It's hysterical, and very Monty Python-esque.

Kiss Me, Kate is going to be a very good show. Right now my main concern is learning the Shakespearian dialogue. Luckily, I have a DVD of the Broadway production, so I can "learn by listening."

I was watching TCM at some point during the weekend, and saw part of an old movie with Rita Hayworth, in particular a scene where she was attemting to seduce her leading man. We never saw any bare skin below the shoulders, but there was something undeniably erotic about the scene. On the other hand, The Sopranos showed a gorgeous girl completely nude, and in a subsequent scene in a VERY "adult" situation...and although I noticed that she was very attractive, there was nothing overly sexy about the scenes. Perhaps the old saying about what you don't see being sexier than what you do see is true...and not only in terms of body parts. The Rita Hayworth scene was very charged and goose-pimply, where the more explicit scene was just sort of there. Have we as a society become so jaded that an understated sexuality grabs the attention more quickly than the overt? (Don't get me wrong...I still love the overt, but maybe there's something to be said for the implied...)


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Long Overdue

I have been very bad about posting for the past couple of weeks. It's odd...sometimes I will feel driven to post almost every day, and then I'll go for some time and the blog remains silent. Oh well, here's something new for those who follow these musings...

All of the traditional subjects covered here are moving along. Kiss Me Kate is going to be a very good production. The Sopranos is winding down to this season's final few episodes, the weather is nice, and Spring seems to have settled in for the long haul. (Or at least for that wonderful 2-week period we enjoy before the heat of Summer takes over.) Yadda yadda yadda...

On the political front, President Dumbass...whoops, I mean "Shrub" announced last night his brilliant idea to use the National Guard as beefed-up border security. Aren't we lucky to have this moron in The White House? He's keeping us safe from non-existent WMDs and at the same time protecting us from the untold dangers of Pablo the Mexican who might take away some $2.00-an-hour dishwashing job from all the Americans who are begging for that kind of work.

It's almost as if Bush has decided in his lame-duckness to literally try and make his popularity dwindle out of sight. Every day, people are killed in a senseless (and arguably illegal) war, and he's jumping on the illegal immigrant bandwagon just to draw attention away from the real dangers of the world (and to hopefully boost his numbers in the process.) What a jackass.

Hillary in '08...Hillary in '08...Hillary in '08...


Monday, May 01, 2006

The Lusty Month Of May...

While I can't say that there has been any precipitous rise in my libido today (well, there was that Victoria's Secret commercial, but that doesn't count...) the arrival of May has set the song "The Lusty Month Of May" from Camelot running through my head over and over again. It was enjoyable and sweet at 9:00 this morning. It is now past 2:00, and I'm growing a bit weary of Mr. Loewe's delightful tune...

While not overtly sexy in a Hooter's waitress kind of way, the full arrival of spring does have a certain reproductive sparkle to it. Aside from the sneezes and coughs that invariably accompany the yellow dusting of pollen, there isn't really a downside to spring. It's easier to get up in the morning when the sun is shining and the birds are singing. Warm weather clothing is less restricting, and the long afternoons stretch into daylight-dappled evenings that seem to beckon "let's sit outside and have a drink..." (Okay, enough poetic's nice outside, and that's good.)

Spring always seems to herald the arrival of great freedom. I suppose it's safe to assume that the umpty-jillion years spent in academic settings (from K5 to Law School) created a Pavlovian response to warm breezes and blossoming foliage. Even in the "real world," it seems that there is an unspoken acceptance of early Friday afternoons and late Monday mornings that would have seemed inappropriate in the gloom of winter.

Breeze blowing in window...birds chirping...cold beer in fridge...patio just outside...typing about to stop...