Thursday, September 21, 2006

Well stated, Eric!

I just read the response to my last posting from my friend, Eric. Although I disagree with some (well, most) of what he said, I am quite impressed with the eloquence and reasoned thought he put into his comments. Quite uncommon for a (presumed) Republican. :-)

As usual, it's late and I am tired, but I will take a moment to mention a fine production of How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying that I saw this week. It is presented by MCAT (Magic City Actor's Theatre) and it is most enjoyable. I wrote a review on which should be posted in a day or two.


Monday, September 18, 2006

Thanks to Andy D for a great link...

See the link below for Keith Olbermann's insightful and erudite comments on Bush's recent asanine comments.

All I can say is HILLARY IN '08!!!!


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Post 9/11 Musings

After watching the 5th anniversary coverage of 9/11, I am more than ever convinced that George W. Bush is the biggest moron in the history of all humankind. From his insipid babblings on the day after the tragedy to his senseless murder of the service men and women he has sent into Iraq, this idiot doesn't belong as dog-catcher, much less as President of the United States. The man is an idiot, a warmonger, a despot and above all a malaproping buffoon. Here endeth the sermon.