Thursday, November 24, 2005


I would say something along the lines of "God Bless Us Every One," but that's for the next holiday, about a month down the road. Having pretty much spent the day eating and sleeping, I am most thankful for the Alka-Seltzer in the bathroom cabinet...

Andy Rooney once said (wrote?) that we need a good, quiet, low-key holiday once in a while, and that's just what Thanksgiving is. When I was a kid, I always thought of Thanksgiving as a sort of dress rehearsal for Christmas. We tend to eat practically identical meals with pretty much the same group of people, and the days themselves are usually the same with respect to weather and temperature. At my parents' house, the Christmas trees are already up on Thanksgiving, so the decor is identical on both holidays, and the radio stations are playing the same Christmas songs that will have become well-worn by December 25th.

So, Happy Thanksgiving to all. I hope yours was nice.


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