Sunday, April 23, 2006

Another wild "Sopranos..."

Wow! As usual, I have spent the post-"Sopranos" hour digesting the new developments on what has to be one of the best shows ever written. After an almost "all-Vito" episode last week, this week focused on Artie and his challenges in running the mob's favorite restaurant, Vesuvio.

Artie's character is interesting...not quite a wiseguy, but seems quite entranced by the Mafia life. He appears to be reeling out of control right now, pretty much begging a psychotic gangster to kill (or at least severely maim) him on several occasions. Some interesting imagery with the rabbit Artie shot in his garden. (As most trus "Sopranos" fans know, there are images and themes that preceed getting whacked...if Artie had started cooking eggs in the last scene, I would have bet my life savings that he was about to be rubbed out.)

Tony surreptitiously offered the services of his psychiatrist to Artie...odd.

Christopher has now fallen off the wagon, so he's likely to become even more out of control. Watching him smack the shit out of Lauren Bacall was one of those things that should NOT have been funny, but it was.

Paulie and Silvio were pretty much ignored this week, as were Meadow and Finn. That's one of the slight drawbacks to running so many good storylines at the same time. A one-hour episode is going to force some short-shrifting from time to time.

Next week promises drama with A.J. and Tony...the previews were interesting. I wonder if A.J. is going to wind up joining the "family." Tony might even encourage it to be able to keep an eye on him.

Ben Kingsley obviously has a great sense of humor. His self-parodying turn tonight was a hoot.


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