I suppose the header of this post could refer to a fun-filled summertime "scary movie" complete with vampires, monsters, and a snack of candy and popcorn.
How I wish it did.
Today in Texas, the bodies of a mother and her four children were found hanging in a mobile home. As in strangled to death. The one survivor was an 8-month-old infant. I can barely keep from crying as I think about it.
The news media are speculating that the case is a murder/suicide. This makes it even worse. Some mealy, self-pitying bitch hangs her children and then takes the cowardly way out by kiling herself. I have no doubt that there will be numerous attempts by psychiatrists and talking heads to explain how she was suffering from depression, or whatever. Allow me to call "bullshit" right now.
I suffer from depression. I probably spend at least 35 or 40 percent of my waking life either pretending to be happy or just trying not to be debilitatingly sad. Some days it's all I can do to get out of bed and not burst into tears for little or no reason. It hurts. It's very sad. My depression has cost me relationships, opportunities, and countless happy times that I could have enjoyed if I had not been curled up on my sofa sniffling.
HOWEVER, I have never once thought of harming anyone, much less a child...much less my own child...(not that I have kids, but you get the point.) I can only wonder how sweet, how trusting, how innocent those kids must have been, especially the 8-month-old who could only smile and make baby noises when her "mother" picked her up and wrapped a rope around her neck. God, it makes me want to vomit.
Those who know me know that I am a proud liberal. I think our jails are ridiculously overcrowded, and I believe that minor (non-violent) crimes can usually be handled outside the penal system. I think the death penalty is barbaric, and that even prisoners deserve humane treatment.. That said, I still wish that scum-sucking pig of a woman had lived so that she could be beaten, abused, gang-raped and eventually murdered in prison. Nothing that would be done to her could be half bad enough.
I am not proud of these thoughts, and perhaps as the immediacy of the event passes, so will some of the hatred in my guts. I doubt it.
If you are religious (and even if you aren't,) please pray for these poor, innocent children who had the misfortune to be born to a true waste of human life. I suppose if I truly lived my own religion, I would solicit prayers for the "mother" as well. That is, as the saying goes, "what Jesus would do."
I'm just not there yet.
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