Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Don't Let The Door Hit You In The Arse On The Way Out...

Well, well, well... Karl Rove is officially leaving his post at the White House. While I can't shake the image of the rats jumping off the sinking ship, I am a bit concerned as to how the powers that be will replace him. (Is the devil you know better than the devil you don't know...?) I did have to smile at John Edwards' "goodbye and good riddance" comment. While I remain a staunch Hillary supporter, I have to give Edwards points for succinct eloquence.

Rove was (and remains) such a symbol of the malevolent arrogance of this administration. King Georgie II has to have assembled the most mean-spirited group of minions in presidential history. (Imagine Cheney as Emperor Palpatine, snarling "Rise, Lord Vader..." as he conjures the Dark Side of the Force, aka the Republican Party.) What's sad is that my absolute favorite President was a Republican. I have NO DOUBT that Teddy Roosevelt is turning backflips and triple-lindys in his grave as he considers what the party has become.

I may shock my readers (all three of you) when I say this, but I really don't think Dubya is inherently evil. By now he has most likely suffered the taint of those who surround him, but by nature he's probably an affable clod...a good ole boy with whom it may have once been fun to have a beer. One has to wonder how he would have turned out had he become Commissioner of Baseball instead of President of the US. My guess is that he would have been remembered as a good-natured and beloved bumbler. He could mangle the English language with impunity, and his off-the-wall comments would have been endearingly "colorful." The congnoscenti of Major League Baseball may have chuckled at his malaprops, but the Commissioner of Baseball can easily (and harmlessly) be viewed with affectionate condescention. That said, the brainless charm does NOT work when you are the most powerful individual in the political world.

Maybe it's the influence of "Comedy of Errors" (opening Thursday at Aldridge Gardens, by the way) but I see an almost Shakespearian level of tragedy in Dubya's reign. Take the brain-dead son of a former king, raise him in wealth and privilege, and then when Daddy and his cronies decide sonnyboy is ready, stick him on the throne through treachery and deceit...surround him with evil yes-men and give him a malevolent second in command who really runs the show...send the country into an unjust war to vindicate Daddy's ego while the economy goes straight to hell...strengthen the power of the government to almost dictatorial levels...accuse any who disagree of disloyalty...wrap the whole administration in an absurdly transparent package of morality and patriotism...and then sit back and wait for the inevitable crash and burn...

Hillary's arrival on the scene as a flawed but idealistic warrior queen adds an interesting twist...Queen Bodaciea, perhaps? Elizabeth I dueling with the privy council? The imagery can really become interesting when you think about it...

Enough political ranting for today. As usual, something from the Motherland...an otherwise dull story, but the last paragraph is priceless...



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