Friday, September 07, 2007

Try To Remember...

As I write this, I am sitting in a friend's office downstairs at Virginia Samford Theatre (thanks, Lucas!) waiting for my next entrance in the VST Gala. Above me I can hear another friend masterfully singing "Try To Remember" from The Fantasticks (excellent job, Carl!) I just glanced at the news online and saw that Madeline L'Engle died today. One of the first "grown up" books I ever read was A Wrinkle In Time, and I have always credited L'Engle with helping me discover a lifelong love of reading. Add to this passing that of Pavarotti, and the "Try To Remember" song takes on a particular poigniancy...

Life, however, goes on. There will be other magnificent authors and other incredible singers, but the world is a bit less "sparkling" tonight with these two missing. Rest In Peace, both...

On a more cheerful note, an amusing story from The Motherland:

It's nice to know that in a world of violence, sadness, and assorted acts of nastiness that Alan Cumming's arse can still cause a stir in Scotland.


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