Friday, April 25, 2008

Where do YOU live?

I just had a very interesting bit of perspective presented by a friend of mine on his blog. He was talking about his desire as a kid to live in Oz (as in Dorothy and the Tin Man.) I mentioned that as a kid (and sometimes as an adult) I always wanted to live on Gilligan's Island. He pointed out that in effect, we each DO live in these places. Oz having actually been a reflection of American society, was just Frank Baum's condensed glimpse at the USA. My friend pointed out that I (and I quote) "associate with rich people, brilliant people, pretty women; trying out schemes, putting on shows, having drinks, fighting, feuding, loving, and being loved." Sounds kind of like what life was like on the island...minus the headhunters, which I can do without anyway.

This set me we all "live" somewhere else, in a manner of speaking? Does everyone have a set of experiences and significant individuals in his/her circle who represent a desired worldview/experience? We tend to think of life as somewhat random (or at least I do) but on a subliminal level, do we surround ourselves with persons and objects that reflect whatever we have established as our own personal utopia?

I certainly don't pick my friends based on their resemblance to Jim Backus or Bob Denver, nor do I live in a bamboo hut and eat nothing but coconuts and bananas. Neither does my friend have a yellow brick road painted on his floor, but that's beside the point. His comments truly strike a chord with me. I think it would be fascinating to take a group of people and really explore what childhood stories have had an impact on their lives as adults. Does the girl who loves Barbie become a beautician? Does the boy who read The Hardy Boys series over and over become a policeman? The list could go on and on...does pop culture give us an unattainable fantasy that we, as adults in the "real" world attempt (even without realizing) to recreate?

Now that I have given you all something to's News From The Motherland...are British jails really that comfy...? I'll stick with a hotel, thanks...




Aaron White said...

"Neither does my friend have a yellow brick road painted on his floor..."


Aaron White said...

Oh, okay, right.