Sunday, May 25, 2008

Catching Up...

I just realized that I have had one of my distressingly infrequent lapses in updating my blog...the wails of dismay coming from all eight of my readers has become deafening, so I figured it was time to post something...

I won't even get started on the election...oh who am I kidding, of course I will...Hillary's invocation of RFK's assasination was unfortunate, but the media backlash has been ridiculous. She misspoke, but she clearly did not mean to imply that Obama could be a target...the irony comes from the fact that the Obama campaign quickly came out to say that Hillary's gaffe was no big deal. I'm just ready for the whole thing to be settled...

Rehearsal is going well for "The Music Man." The cast is very talented, and a good group of people. We ran the show (sans quartet, which joins us next week) twice yesterday. I can't say I have re-invented the wheel in any's a pretty traditional take on a classic, which should make the audiences happy. Two weeks till opening...

Helping my parents with some yard work later's a beautiful day outside, so it'll be nice to get some exercise.

In today's News From The Motherland...the PM appears secure for now...



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