Great...I thought that was a clever title that I could tie into the fact that it has been hot as all-get-out for the past few days, and now I have that song stuck in my head...oh the bane of every wedding reception...the conga line to "Hot, Hot, Hot." There's always at least one (usually amusing) slip and fall, generally from an inebriated octogenarian. Bonus points if said oldster bounces up and says something wonderfully anachronistic like "whoop de doo" or "23 skidoo."
No, I have never seen this happen, but I'd like to.
The week is going well. I have been teaching at the CenterStage summer theatre camp, and all is going smoothly. We have a large group of very good kids...even the extremely hyper ones are good natured, sweet souls...not a mean spirit in the group, so they're just fine.
My best friend, Brent, is getting married next month, and plans are underway for the wedding. I got the info today on getting measured for tuxes, etc. That should be fun. (I will have to find out how one goes about acquiring a drunk 80-year-old who hollers epithets from the jazz age.)
Not much else to report...have spent some time with Lovey, which is always delightful. I had lunch yesterday with a good friend at a little drug store which still has (hand to God) a functioning soda fountain/lunch counter with the best hand-pressed limeade on Earth. If you ignore a few of the more modern amenities (which are few, indeed) it would honestly be possible to imagine a scene from the early 1950's. Cool place.
In today's News From The Motherland...churchgoers shamed by sham.
Obama in '08!!!
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