Thursday, August 07, 2008

Shaking My Head...

As much as I enjoy blogging about fun, happy things, I am on a serious rant today...

A Birmingham woman has filed a lawsuit following the death of a two-year-old in a house fire. According to the news report, the fire was started by a five-year-old playing with a cigarette lighter. The woman is suing the store that sold the lighter, as well as the manufacturers and distributors of the item.

Sweet Jesus.

The death of a child is one of the most horrific things I can imagine. I can't even think about it too much, or I will literally burst into tears. My heart goes out to the family and loved ones who have lost someone so sweet and innocent.

That said, I can only shake my head in wonderment at the opportunism and cynical actions of this person. WHY THE HELL WASN'T SHE WATCHING HER KIDS? WHY WAS A LIGHTER LEFT WITHIN REACH OF TWO TODDLERS?

Worst of all...why is this woman trying to make money off such a terrible thing? To quote Rex Harrison in Dr Doolittle, "I do not understand the human race."

If you have small people in your world, please look after them. Here endeth the sermon.

Okay, deep breath... happier thoughts...

Rehearsal is progressing nicely with I Do! I Do! and the show should be in good shape by opening night. I have not heard the score in years, and I am constantly reminded of how much I love the music. It amazes me that the show isn't done more often. Yes, it's a bit dated, but if done as a museum piece, it works very well. There are also several comments and references that have stood the test of time.

Lovey received a nice little gift in yesterday's mail. She had some Texas friends in for a visit a couple of weeks ago, and they sent her some fun photos from their evening out. I have enjoyed looking at the pics...I need to take more photos of my friends and our activities. I used to be a camera bug, but have gotten less attentive to picture-taking over the past few years. I suppose if someone ever decides to chronicle my life, it will look as if very little happened between around 1997 and 2007. "The lost decade" does have a certain ring to it... :-)

In today's News From The Motherland... those wacky British teenagers...

Obama In '08!!!

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