Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chez Pancake

Just returned from a Birmingham landmark...The Original Pancake House. Lovey and I indulged in (and I quote) "ridiculously sugary pancakes." For those who are unfamiliar with this pinnacle of skillet-baked breakfast comestibles, the OPH is to the IHOP what London is to Dubuque... the latter may be pleasant and enjoyable, but there is, quite simply, no comparison.

The OPH is snugly nestled in the Five Points area of Birmingham's Southside, so named for the confluence of five streets. The food is amazingly caloric, indulgent, and oh so good...pancakes slathered with butter, fluffy eggs scrambled in butter, toast with (you guessed it) butter, and so forth. This is not a place to visit if you are on a diet.

Okay, this paragraph is being written about eight hours after the preceeding text was saved as a draft, so I can now comment on the rest of the day. We had our final performance of I DO! I DO! today, and it was well received. Now I can turn my full attention towards BCT's production of RAPUNZEL, which I am directing (opening next week) and CenterStage's GREASE (opening 17 October.) I have no doubt that there will be more discussion of each of these in days to come.

Turning towards things political, the inevitable Republican flag-waving and rallying around McCain/Palin has begun. My thought is this... haven't the last eight years demonstrated the inefficacy of an idiot president being led around by a soulless and malevolent second-in-command? To quote my good friend and unsung philosopher Jonathan Goldstein, "I'm just sayin'..."

McCain seems an affable enough moron, but then so did Dubya in 2000. Palin gives me the shivers one would get in the presence of any despotic would-be dictator. Take it from me, friends, this woman is baaaaaaad news. Anyone who inspires hordes of people to revel in backward-assed provincialism is bad enough, but when she looks like an ill-tempered middle school librarian who enjoys kicking puppies? No thank you...

In today's News From The Motherland... the Black Pudding Toss is underway!

OBAMA IN '08!!!


Selina said...

Hi Doll,
I am catching up on your blog from the very beginning. Honestly, you should be a writer!! It is the best entertainment of my day!

Selina said...

P.S. Did I tell you Palin's nickname is Caribou Barbie? I share your sentiments exactly on these issues!