Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Color Purple (my feet)

Day 48: "I find the moment I let a woman make friends with me she becomes jealous, exacting, suspicious and a damn nuisance...and I find the moment that I make friends with a woman I become selfish and tyrannical."
-Henry Higgins on the relationship between the sexes in My Fair Lady.

Well, now that Professor Higgins has brightened the day with his thoughts on love, let's take a look at something I truly adore...IRONING!!!!

I will pause for laughter here.

This week brings a fun little gig ironing costumes for the national tour of "The Color Purple." The money is quite good and my co-workers most congenial, but Sweet Mother of God, they certainly do have a lot of clothes! MY FEET ARE KILLING ME after standing and ironing all day.

I know...bitch, bitch, bitch, as they say... I may not revel in the work itself, but I look forward to the paycheck, and hey...I'm working in the arts...sort of... ;-)

The Trial Of Larry Langford continues with no real fireworks thus far. This is sure to change.

In today's News From The Motherland...Mr. Brown encourages compromise...


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