Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pulling Ahead...

This made me smile...;_ylt=AmEebujFV7o1ylb0p8zPmKME1vAI

I have said it before...I'll say it again. Never count out a Clinton. :-)

Obama appears to have stepped into a quagmire with the whole "crazy racist minister" issue. His semi-defiant speech appears to have struck a sour note with many. It is looking more and more likely that the superdelegates will decide on the nominee. This could get ugly, but I am feeling more and more confident that Hillary will persevere.

The last few days have been fun. Tom Sawyer is now on tour, and we had a three-day overnight to Jackson, Alabama, which is a boring place, but only an hour or so from Gulf Shores, where our little group spent a wonderful free afternoon. There are only five of us and one stage manager on tour, and we all get along famously, so it was like a mini-vacation. I enjoyed it.

In today's News From The Motherland... remembering a giant of stage and screen:



Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Yes, I've seen it...

As I mentioned in my last posting about Sherwood Schwartz's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, anyone who knows me knows that I am a "Gilligan's Island" fan. Yes, it's hokey, outdated, and silly. It's mind candy, and every so often, that's what you need...and I love it just as much as I did when I was a kid. (Just try watching an episode without can't do it! :-)

That said, several of my friends have already sent me the "Mary Ann gets busted for pot" story.

Here's my two cents' worth on the matter...Admittedly, she should not have been driving. Aside from that, did she really do anything wrong? Why is marijuana illegal while alcohol (the more potent poison by far) is legal? The socio-political war on that one has been going on for years...

In my opinion, The Man is hasslin' Mary Ann.

So she had marijuana in her car... Big deal. Yawn. Give her the ticket and be done with it. Making it a "news story" six months after it happened is absurd.

I have met Dawn Wells, and she is a delightful, charming woman. Her smile is genuine, and her warmth is completely without guile or artifice. If a little herbal therapy helps her stay there, so what?

Sometimes we see mountains where there isn't even a molehill. Here endeth the sermon.

In today's News From The Motherland... Hugh Laurie snubbed by his countrymen?



Monday, March 10, 2008

An Overdue Honor

This week, television royalty was acknowledged...and I am proud to present today's News From The Motherland, which focuses on a very important event on this side of the pond...

Sherwood Schwartz, creator of "Gilligan's Island" and "The Brady Bunch," finally got his star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a major "Gilligan" fan. I also have a once-removed connection to Mr. Schwartz, as his son, Lloyd, is a friend of mine.

Congrats, Sherwood Schwartz! Thank you for all the happiness and laughter you have given to millions of people.



Saturday, March 08, 2008

Catching Up...

Just a brief post today...I did not include News From The Motherland last time, so here is a look at Baroness (formerly PM) Thatcher's recovery...



Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Comeback Girl

WOO HOO!!!!!

"As goes Ohio, so goes the country."

Even though I am exhausted from tech week for Into The Woods, I am energized this morning! Our girl has proven once again that you should NEVER COUNT OUT A CLINTON!!!! :-)

Ohio, Rhode Island, and Texas have gone our way and momentum is returning to the campaign. I had hoped that the Obama wave was cresting and (please, God) that appears to be the case. Hillary even hinted at the possibility of taking Obama as a running mate, which I could handle...

HILLARY IN '08!!! (News from Motherland to follow...)