Saturday, July 14, 2007

Have Yourself A Happy Little Bastille Day...

Okay, admittedly, we are rather short on Bastille Day carols...I also considered "Have A Holly Jolly Bastille Day," "I'll Have A Blue Bastille Day Without You," and "I'm Dreaming Of A White Bastille Day," but none of them really seemed to work...

Feeling terribly Francais today, albeit (as always) with a British twist...I just read (on of course) the report of the festivites on the Champs-Elysees...and somewhat wistfully wished I was there. While England will always be The Motherland, I have enjoyed a few trips to France, and the Champs-Elysees has always been a high point of any visit to The City Of Light.

For a look at the day's events, click here:

And now on a completely different subject... I noticed that Pope Benedict has declared the Catholic Church "the one and only true faith." Interesting...

With all due respect, the Pope is full of crap...wouldn't the Greek Orthodox denomination be the closest to the original teachings of Christ? Of course, I am firmly convinced God is an Anglican, but I certainly don't think He turns a blind eye to those of other denominations or faiths...I fear that more revisionist back-tracking will be issuing forth out of The Vatican in the days to come... oh John Paul II, we miss you...

Thank God my inspiration comes from Canterbury and not Rome...

Au Revoir

Francois le Trois

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