Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Okay...I have to take back the begrudgingly-positive things I have been saying about Dubya for the past day or so...I really agreed with him on the Scooter Libby thing...(see post below.) 30 months for perjury seemed excessive, and I really believe that non-violent crimes can be punished adequately with fines, probation, etc.

Now, in typical fashion, Dubya has issued a statement that a full pardon is "not out of the picture."

Yeah, my jaw hit the floor, too.

Once again, this corrupt, self-absorbed, maniacally delusional MORON is taking care of his cronies and thumbing his nose at what is right. This man Libby was involved in a massive cover-up FAR beyond anything Clinton ever lied about. (Hmmmmmmm...one lied about the outing of a CIA operative and covered up illegal acts by the Vice-President while the other lied about sex with another consenting adult...you tell me who did more damage.)

President Dubya has once again proven himself to be beneath contempt. The beautifully-choreographed visit by Putin to Kennebunkport was just ruined by the comment on Libby.

Hillary in '08...Hillary in '08...Hillary in '08...


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