Monday, June 30, 2008

Tangerine Sublett - Part 2

As I start my day, I find my morning coffee filled with Tangerine... (no, that's not good...)

While the dawn approaches, Tangerine... (no, too flowery...)

Oh Tangerine, where art thou... (Sweet Mother of God, no...)

Let it suffice to say that I am starting my morning with Tangerine on my mind. (That wasn't an epigram worthy of Wilde by any means, but it'll do.) Yes, the career of Tangerine Sublett seems to have been a fairly brief one...

Above is a link to her admittedly short bio at Her credits episode of "Sanford & Son." That seems to have been the one jewel of a performance she gave the world. Her listing (below) is equally succinct...

One sometimes entertains flights of fancy, and I am no exception...I have the sudden urge to purchase an apartment building, paint it light orange and call it "Tangerine Sublet(t)s."

Chances are, I will control this urge.

Onward, onward...I am teaching at an arts camp for the first three days of this week, and then taking a weekend getaway with Lovey...a three hour tour of sorts...I am really looking forward to it.

This has nothing to do with anything...just a photo of a bulldog surfing. It made me smile. :-)

In today's News From The Motherland...advertising pays off...with a cute baby! :-)

Obama in '08!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tangerine Sublett

No, I have not discovered a new citrus-based cocktail or an original flavor of Icee...I was just indulging in an evening of "Sanford And Son" with Lovey, Thurston IV and Thurston V. There was upon the screen...a classic...a epic episode of one of the greatest tv sitcoms this side of the island...

"A Pad For Lamont" tells the story of young Lamont's fledgling attempt at independence. The great actress TANGERINE SUBLETT (hand to God, I'm not quote Thurston IV, "he's really not kidding...") played Fred's paramour in the episode. While Lamont pursues the lovely Darlene (with predictably tragic results) Fred re-establishes himself as a "playa" while romancing the widow Earnestine. We laughed. We cried. It was better than "Cats."

Not much else to report.

In today's News From The Motherland... man sells life. I would say something along the lines of "take my life...please," but I fear Lovey might groan at that one...

Obama in '08!!!


Friday, June 27, 2008

Forty Seven Ginger Headed Sailors...

Two new YouTube treasures to share...two versions of the song immortalized for contemporary audiences by Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster in the BBC series Jeeves And Wooster... - Jack Hylton - Tommy Handley

It is quite impossible to hear this song and not smile. :-)

The following snapshots sum up my life right now. God is, indeed, in His heaven and all is right with the world...

Yes, there is someone special in my life...more on "Lovey" in subsequent posts...

What else? Obama continues in his quest for The White House, and I have accepted him as my candidate. There is still a titch of Hillary-grief in my psyche, but I am beginning to catch the wave of Obama momentum. He will be a fine president.

The Music Man has closed, quite successfully, and I Do! I Do! looms on the horizon. As far as things theatrical go, I have taught at one workshop this summer, and have two more lined up. Between those will come a couple of writing assignments to keep the wolves away from the door, as well as a trip or two. I have spent much of this week helping my dad put up a fence in his back yard...hard work, but rewarding...and good exercise!

In today's News From The Motherland...a well-deserved tribute to Nelson Mandela. I love Hyde Park, BTW... ;-)

Obama in '08!!!!


Monday, June 23, 2008

I just got this link from a friend of mine...I'm not exactly sure what the point is...did using this particular gasoline change a professional athlete into Tina Louise? Or did it give her the good sense to abandon football for acting? I'm so confused...still, though, a cool museum piece...

In today's News From The Motherland...a farewell to George Carlin.

Obama in '08!


Saturday, June 21, 2008

And the spaceship jumped over the shark...

Okay, I'll admit it...I watched it...I liked it...but I was a kid, and even then I had to admit that the series had started to stretch it a bit...

For those who actually follow these musings with any regularity, I have not forgotten the "getting my thoughts together" comments of last week. I am still composing my thoughts, but have come up with the following...

.Sometimes you can blindly stumble into the happy place you thought could never exist.

More later.

In today's News From The Motherland...perfect weather for Ms. Poppins...

Obama in 08!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More Mr Magoo...

Second post of the day...this one is classic!


Defying The Block

Once again, a potentially incomprehensible could easily be led to believe that I am standing up to some sort of tyranny (sp?) imposed by the other residents of my immediate neighbourhood (sp purposeful, Rule Britannia!) However, nothing so dramatic is meant...merely that I have been grappling with a delicious bout of writer's block. There is a lot going on in my life...substantial, good things are happening. Unfortunately, every time I try to put fingers to keyboard for the purpose of illuminating my readers (all eight of you) I can't find the right words to do my feelings justice. To steal a line from Harold Hill in the film version of The Music Man, "It isn't often I find myself at a loss for words..." The proper words will find their way to the page, but it may take a little while longer...

In the meantime, here is today's News From The Motherland...


Sunday, June 08, 2008


It was recently pointed out to me (by someone whose opinion I respect) that my posts of late have been rather politics-heavy. With that in mind, today's post will not discuss the upcoming election. (Yes, it will be tough, but I can do it...)

I started a new book this week, a new offering by one of my favorite authors, David Sedaris. His tongue-in-cheek diatribes about his family are touching, humorous, and ring frighteningly true to anyone who grew up with slightly eccentric siblings and parents (as did I.) Having been most entertained by Me Talk Pretty One Day and Barrell Fever in particular, I picked up the new book with great expectations (lower case...I did not purchase Dickens and Sedaris in tandem...) So far, it has not disappointed...

The Music Man opened to great success this weekend. We have an amazing cast, and the group has come together beautifully. I could not be more proud! We received a good review from The Birmingham News...

Tomorrow (well, today, actually) I start a week-long gig teaching at the Clay County Arts Camp. I will probably wind up spending half my salary (admittedly, a generous one) in petrol, but I am looking forward to it. I will be doing quite a bit of improv, which is a particular favorite of mine...

Not much else to report...the temperature continues to inch perilously closer to 100 degrees...and it's only the first week of gods, as Zaneeta Shinn would say...

Off to sleep for a few hours and then the work week begins...c'est la vie!

NOTE: I only just now realized (11 June) that I did not include News From The Motherland previously...consider the oversight corrected as we look at George W.'s final trip as president...thank God... (okay, I promised no politics, so I'll stop there.)


Friday, June 06, 2008

Citrus Compact Cars...

"Nothing too wild, now...maybe a runabout like that little white one over there..."

There's no great insight to the human condition contained in this cartoon...just a Mr. Magoo adventure that made me smile...

"The Music Man" opens tonight, and I think we're in good shape. I am hopeful for a large audience, and the final dress last night went well. There were a few glitches...just enough to keep us on our toes tonight.

Not much else to report. Enjoy the cartoon! :-)

In today's News From The Motherland... "BBC The Musical?"



Thursday, June 05, 2008

Gettin' Old...

Yesterday (4 June) was my birthday...and it was very pleasant. I received good wishes, lovely gifts, and sincere warmth from family & friends. As birthdays go, it was great.

I am also a year older. While 38 is not exactly dotage, I am starting to notice a few early signs of wear. The fact that I am doing "The Music Man" again just points out some of the inevitable signs of aging. My first time to play Harold Hill (not counting high school) was 11 years ago. At 27, I pretty much glided through the role, barely breaking a sweat. Going out for drinks and fun after rehearsal was a daily routine. At 38, I still feel confident in my ability to bring Professor Hill to life with appropriate zest, but by the end of the performance, I'm pooped. The energy level just isn't as high as it once was...oh well...

My girl Hillary has accepted the inevitable and graciously conceded to Obama. From this point, he is my candidate, but I am still hoping for a VP slot for Hillary. I honestly think that's the only way he can win. In honor of (and hopes for) the running mate, I will continue to conclude these missives with "Hillary in '08!!!"

In today's News From The Motherland... Spock plays The Fringe...