Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Defying The Block

Once again, a potentially incomprehensible could easily be led to believe that I am standing up to some sort of tyranny (sp?) imposed by the other residents of my immediate neighbourhood (sp purposeful, Rule Britannia!) However, nothing so dramatic is meant...merely that I have been grappling with a delicious bout of writer's block. There is a lot going on in my life...substantial, good things are happening. Unfortunately, every time I try to put fingers to keyboard for the purpose of illuminating my readers (all eight of you) I can't find the right words to do my feelings justice. To steal a line from Harold Hill in the film version of The Music Man, "It isn't often I find myself at a loss for words..." The proper words will find their way to the page, but it may take a little while longer...

In the meantime, here is today's News From The Motherland...


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