Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tangerine Sublett

No, I have not discovered a new citrus-based cocktail or an original flavor of Icee...I was just indulging in an evening of "Sanford And Son" with Lovey, Thurston IV and Thurston V. There was upon the screen...a classic...a epic episode of one of the greatest tv sitcoms this side of the island...

"A Pad For Lamont" tells the story of young Lamont's fledgling attempt at independence. The great actress TANGERINE SUBLETT (hand to God, I'm not quote Thurston IV, "he's really not kidding...") played Fred's paramour in the episode. While Lamont pursues the lovely Darlene (with predictably tragic results) Fred re-establishes himself as a "playa" while romancing the widow Earnestine. We laughed. We cried. It was better than "Cats."

Not much else to report.

In today's News From The Motherland... man sells life. I would say something along the lines of "take my life...please," but I fear Lovey might groan at that one...

Obama in '08!!!


1 comment:

Chris said...

Ms.Tangerine was FINE,lol