Saturday, October 03, 2009


Day 39: Candy is Dandy but Liquor is Quicker
-Anonymous and oft-quoted.

Today's post is about candy. My sister and I have been discussing those sweet treats of childhood that still cling to the personal favorite to this day is called "Bottle Caps," and offers a series of soda-esque flavored discs in the shape of (you guessed it) a bottle cap. Her confection of choice is called "Smarties" and is quite comparable...small, sugar-constituted discs of joy, but not shaped like bottle caps.

"Candy" in the vernacular of ma soeur et moi, is applied only to sugary, most likely fruit-flavored, non-dairy sweets. A chocolate bar is "chocolate," and while delightful, has little in common with "candy." By the same token, an offer of a "Coke" is purely for a soft drink, with "Coke" being the cognomen for all things fizzy, sweet, and sold in bottles or cans.

Enough of this. Enjoy the sweet of your choice today. :-)

In today's News From The Motherland...a shot in the dark, so to speak...


1 comment:

Jill said...

Okay, I'm weighing in here. I'm a huge fan of candy, and not a fan of chocolate, so I appreciate the distinction. Bring on Laffy Taffy, Sour Patch Kids, Chewy Sprees, Now and Later...