Friday, November 06, 2009

Dance With Me...Or Not...

Day 51: "Cesar Romero would attend the opening of a napkin."
-Jim Backus

Well, once again, I have missed a day or two of blogging. C'est la vie, I suppose, but I do need to resume my daily scribblings. Now that my readership is in the low double-digits, I suppose I have an obligation to The Thinking Public. ;-)

Lots of fun things going on..."Dames At Sea" opens one week from yesterday, and last night we did a full run through without stopping, which is great. We now have time to polish and refine. If anyone is interested in seeing it (no pressure, just FYI) tickets are almost completely sold out for the (admittedly short) 3-performance run.

I am, despite my overall good feelings about the show, terribly concerned that my dancing abilities (or lack thereof) will be the one tiny flaw in an otherwise excellent production. Jack and Kim (my director and choreographer, respectively) keep insisting that I am making great improvement, they can tell that I am working, etc. etc. etc.... but let's be honest, friends. I have the coordination and physical grace of a drunken moose. George Wallace was a better dancer than I am. If a role calls for singing and acting, I'm your man...if the words "dance break," "second act ballet," or "anything more than a box step or a grapevine" are applicable to a given part, it's most likely going to be above my skill set...

Oh well, maybe The Captain was wounded in the Boer War and has a shattered fetlock or something. Perhaps that can be part of my back-story...

I also learned a lesson in stage combat safety this week...basically, if you're six feet tall and someone five-foot-two is throwing a punch at you, leaning in to her as she does it is not a good idea. Yes, for most people with the sense God gave a turnip, this would be obvious, but yours faithfully has never claimed an excess of common sense...

In today's News From The does so hate to hear of head-butting at a wedding...


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