Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Our First Milestone!

Day 50: "Ah, the bar-room! A place of good cheer and conviviality!"
-Jim Backus (as Mr. Magoo)

Well, dear readers, we have hit day 50 in our "year of daily blogging." Okay, so a few days have been missed...well, more than a few, but there you are...the spirit is true and the goal clearly stated, so if we stumble, so be it. Our marathon started on 19 August, which was...a few days longer ago than 50, but still we persevere... ;-)

So far this has been a fairly productive morning...things have been accomplished, goals achieved, deadlines met, and generally all done well. Let's hope that this trend continues...

This afternoon I must pay a visit to the local "Doc In A Box" to get a TB test, which will hopefully complete all my requirements for subbing in the Jefferson County system. I do believe one could get married, buy a home, and perhaps even bring home slightly rotten fruits and vegetables from Haiti with less paperwork. Quel dommage to be sure, but at least I am almost done...

I bought a new computer this weekend, and after tomorrow's visit from the Bright House Cable service rep, it will actually work! For months, my cable has been a bit fuzzy, but I don't watch much TV, so I never bothered to have it fixed...however, the same snowy reception seems to be preventing the whatsit in the cable wires to get through the thingmabob and make connection to the doohickey that makes the thingy work.

Am I being too technical for anyone?

On other fronts, it has recently come to light that in the recent unpleasantness regarding Larry Langford's unfortunate turn of fortune he was actually offered a plea deal that would have only presented him with a few years in prison. LaLa rejected the deal, and now faces up to 800 years. Probably not his wisest decision. Oh, Larry, Larry, Larry...

In today's News From The Motherland...banking changes at Lloyd's and RBS...


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