Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Again, A Victory...

Pennsylvania has spoken, and our girl is still in the race! Granted, we have a lot of work (make that a hell of a lot of work) yet to do, but hope remains alive. I was telling someone yesterday that I would be sincerely happy and encouraged with a 10-point win...which is exactly what Hillary got!

Admittedly, the hill ahead is a steep one to climb. The Obama-ites are formidable opponents, and their fundraising machine is well-oiled to say the least. If you are AT ALL inclined to help in the cause, go to...

...and make a donation of ANY size...large or small. We are not in The White House yet, but it can happen!

As are many others, I am curious about the VP nomination... I would enthusiastically support Obama/Clinton or Clinton/Obama (okay, I would be a little more enthusiastic about Clinton/Obama, but either way would work...) It is my (uninformed) opinion that whoever gets the nomination would be foolish in the extreme not to ask the other. Both camps have expressed a certain unwillingness to vote for the opposing candidate, but a unified ticket would most likely round up a huge percentage of botgh camps, effectively shutting out the Republicans.

More going on in my life, but details will have to wait. The sun is calling. I love springtime!

In today's News From The Motherland...Mr. Brown flies the St. George's Flag above #10...



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