Friday, September 19, 2008


Oh yes, it is once again Friday...and there is joy in the air. The breeze is cool and soothing, and people on the street seem to have a bit more of a spring in the step. Smiles come more easily, and manners and courtesy seem heightened...

Okay, maybe that is a bit of a stretch, but people do seem happier on Friday. I would hazard a guess that fewer violent crimes take place on Friday. Let's hope so...

A grand and glorious greeting goes out to my good friend Selina, who found my blog through the increasingly ubiquitous Facebook. Hey, sugar!!!!! Counting Selina, my readers now number in the high single digits... woo hoo!!!!

Must make my way into the theatre for the next-to-final day of dress rehearsal for BCT's RAPUNZEL. The cast has done a great job!

In today's News From The Motherland... asteroid-a-rama!!!!

OBAMA IN '08!!!


1 comment:

Selina said...

You are SUCH a charmer FLT!!!