Friday, September 18, 2009

Noblesse Oblige and Corn Dogs

Day 28: Frank Thompson is very off-put by the Alabama State Fair's advertisement for "Monkeys Riding Dogs." The monkeys deserve more dignity, and the dogs less physical exertion. Why not offer "Toothless Rednecks Riding Obese Women In Polyester?" There is sure to be a surfeit of both on the premises...
(Today's facebook status.)

I remember going to the fair a few times as a child. (This was, for the record, in the mid-to-late 1970's.) It was always fun, but vaguely unsettling. Even at the age of eight, I realized that the chap covered with grammatically inaccurate tattoos and axle grease was most likely not the sort of fellow one meets at Easter brunch. (This was also one of the first times I realized the inaccuracy of some of the old homilies with which we all grew up...perhaps one can't judge every book by it's cover, but a good look at the cover can usually provide a fairly good idea as to the contents.)

My parents were never huge fair fans, but they indulged me for a while. I finally had to pitch a minor hissy one year, followed by several years of being purchased the new toy of my choice as a payoff for NOT being taken to the fair. I quickly figured out that the new Star Wars spaceship (or whatever was hot at the time) was a better jackpot than a series of rides on the Tilt-A-Whirl (nausea-inducing) and a syrupy grape sno-cone and a mystery meat hot dog (ditto.) Come to think of it, perhaps the binge-drinking of the college years is just an attempt to recapture the youthful folly of fair-going...swirling around...getting sick...eating bad, greasy, food...could be Alabama State Fair circa '78 or University of Alabama circa '91...hmmm...

As for the noblesse oblige...well, we never tossed hot soapy water on the fair workers, nor did we mention the miracle of electrolysis to the woman (I think) selling foam-rubber teddy bears and "Man Of The Year" frosted bathroom mirrors. We were a kind lot, my family and I...

Joking apart, I am very unhappy (see above) with the "Monkeys Riding Dogs" advert. I would like to think that the animals are well-treated and adequately looked after. Yes, I would really REALLY like to think that...but I have my doubts. I console myself with the knowledge that monkeys and dogs are among the best biters in the animal kingdom, and can most likely chomp a chunk out of any human who starts trouble. I would imagine the bouquet de carny is a bit sub-standard...most likely a Schlitz/Spam combo...

Oh hell, I will say it. Don't go to the fair. The monkeys can't be proud of their work, and why add to their embarassment? Why also add to the coffers of a company that would exploit innocent animals in such a degrading way? Perhaps if the public does NOT flood the gates, the mystic "they" will realize just how distateful this type of "entertainment" is to the thinking populace.

I'll even buy you a new toy if you don't go. :-)

In today's News From The Motherland...lap-dancing tax break endangered...


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