Thursday, September 17, 2009

Reader Responses...And More!

Day 27: FELIX: (After seeing his leading lady heavily drugged) Doc! Will she be able to work?
IRVING: Is Batman a transvestite? Who knows? I was specifically requested to
alleviate her anxiety. Work was never mentioned...
(Another classic from S.O.B., Blake Edwards' brilliant hollywood satire.)

Today brings a big shout-out to two of my good friends and readers...Darrell, who added his memories of The Andy Griffith Show and Thelma Lou's smooching-in-church adventures (shameless floozy!) And Kristi, who posted a reply that somehow got lost in the great swirl of cyberspace...hopefully it will surface soon. At any rate, big thanks to both of you for's nice to know you're out there reading... :-)

Today brought a return to subbing at VHHS, and I am happy to say that I had an absolute blast! I was in for yet another good friend, Alan, who was kind enough to leave me in charge of his theatre classes for the day. As the kids are just getting started on improv, we played a series of "Whose Line Is It Anyway" type games, which all seemed to enjoy. I got my greatest pleasure of the day out of watching the handful of kids who were most reluctant to get onstage...and then realized how much fun improv can is always the case, the current events of the day influenced the scenes, and Taylor Swift/Kanye were frequently invoked. All in all, a great day with a really wonderful group of kids.

In today's News From The Motherland...spending cuts announced...


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