Friday, September 11, 2009

A Rainy Look At Art

Day 21: Singin' In The Rain...

Well, the plan for Lovey and me this evening is to have dinner with the Von Redlichs, (good friends from Tuscaloosa) and then to hit ArtWalk, which is a sort of art show/street fair here in Bham. So far, the weather has been capricious at best. I started the day in jeans, switched to shorts, went back to jeans and a jacket, and am now hot again...yes, we have gone from hot to cool to hot to cool and now back to hot, all in one day. No wonder everyone is sick. 'Tis the season to be contagious...

I do hope ArtWalk is not rained out. I also think the asshole senator who yelled at the president is an asshole, just in case you were wondering. It is his constitutional right to be a walking talking rectum, and I resepect that right, but it does not alter his basic constitution...

In today's News From The Motherland...pig races!


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