Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Final Dress Tonight

Tonight was final dress rehearsal for The 1940's Radio Hour at Hoover Library Theatre. It went very well, and the cast seems excited about tomorrow night's opening. This is my first show with this company, and I hope it will not be the last. The rest of the cast has been fun to work with, and we've all gotten along very well.

Tomorrow I am performing in a skit for the Birmingham Business Community's annual meeting. Jan Hunter and Kristi Higginbotham are singing a couple of numbers, and I am appearing as Donald Trump, bad wig and should be fun, and we get paid for it, so I'm excited.

The Silence Of The Lambs is on television right now...I had forgotten how damn creepy that movie is. I enjoy Thomas Harris' books, and have always been impressed at how well they translate to film. The same thing has amazed me about the Harry Potter series. I love the books, and have really enjoyed the movies. The Goblet Of Fire comes out in a couple of weeks, and I can't wait to see it.

Enough pointless rambling for tonight...:-)


1 comment:

Rita Earle said...

S60 Team starts blogging
Published by Rafe Blandford at 2:06 GMT, November 10th The S60 team has started blogging via blogs on . There are currently three blogs available: See into S60 , Tommi's S60 aplications blog and ...
Hi, I was just blog surfing and found you! If you are interested, go see my work from home related site. It isnt anything special but you may still find something of interest.