Monday, July 03, 2006

Beebopareebop Rhubarb Pie...

I just got back from seeing A Prairie Home Companion, and the Rhubarb Pie song is stuck in my head...of course, being a Garrison Keillor fan as well as a Robert Altman groupie, I loved the movie! Add to the fact that Virginia Madsen (on whom I have had a crush for years) is in it, along with Woody "the funniest human being alive" Harrelson, and it's a hit with me.

I fell in love with Lake Wobegon when I was in high school and first discovered Keillor's books. (I even used to have a Powdermilk Biscuits t-shirt, but I have no idea what happened to it.) The film takes some familiar characters, mixes in one or two new ones, and provides a very faithful homage to the A Prairie Home Companion radio show. If you love the books as much as I do, you'll definitely get into the movie. Even if you're not familiar with Keillor's writing, the film still stands alone as an enjoyable story. Below is a link to the more substantial review I have posted on


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