Sunday, December 30, 2007

Day Three In London

Last night was SPAMALOT at The Palace Theatre (former home to LES MIZ which has now moved across town.) Amazing...phenomenal...I can not say enough good things about SPAMALOT. Even those who are not Monty Python fans should love it. A complete hit!

Yesterday's tour was fun and informative...a high point was driving down Fleet Street and seeing the locale of Sweeney Todd's atrocities. Ghoulishly clever of them to have a pie shop on site...

Today will most likely include a visit to Harrod's, and possibly a walking tour. I am definitely planning a day trip to Oxford, which may be on the agenda for tomorrow. So much to do, so little time...

It's good to recharge the batteries with a few days here in The Motherland. If I don't breathe English air every couple of years or so, I begin to get depressed. Every day here makes me feel more rejuvenated, despite the fatigue from walking everywhere (well, okay, there is the tube and the taxis, but you get the drift...)

More later...cheers!


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