Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Eyesight Is The First Thing To Go...

In last week's postings, I inadvertently failed to mention some good friends who came to see South Pacific. The Miles girls (mom Anita and twins Annie Stewart and Piper) were on the front row one night, and I pretty much didn't see them. It's odd about stage lighting. I can see the third through seventh or eighth rows clearly, but sometimes the front two are a bit blurry. (I'm blaming it on the lights, but maybe I'm just getting old...) I also forgot to thank Reid Watson and his birthday party, who came as a group to the show. Many thanks to everyone who came to the show, especially those I may have failed to mention! :-)

The King & I is coming along nicely. We have blocked a good deal of Act One, and are moving at a good pace, somewhat ahead of schedule. The kids are particularly sweet and well-behaved this show, which is a very welcome surprise. The cast is huge, but everyone seems to be playing well together, which is good as backstage will be crowded! The cast is extremely talented across the board, so it should be a pretty phenomenal show. Kim D came and took measurements for costumes last night, and they are going to be beyond lavish...very appropriate for this particular show. Visually, it's going to be stunning.

I will definitely be visiting the dentist soon, as I have lost a filling...another joy of getting older, I suppose. So far, I wouldn't describe it as excruciatingly painful, but it is definitely sensitive, so I am hoping to get in to get it fixed within the next couple of days. I actually had an appointment for tomorrow at 1:00, but then I got called to sub at the high school, so I am trying to get my time moved until late afternoon. That whole working and paying the bills thing, ya know...?

Not much else to report. It has been a quiet week in Lake Wobegon, as Garrison Keillor would say. I am at VHHS today and Friday, and at Pizitz Middle School tomorrow. I will be subbing a lot between now and mid-March, when I begin rehearsal for a show at Bham Children's Theatre. It should be a very good experience, and I am glad to get into the loop at BCT. The pay is good, and the people seem quite nice to work with. Jack Mann is directing Dolly Dooley's Big Break, in which I am playing Dave Dooley. (I know nothing about the show itself, but will update when I get a script.)


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