Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Spring approaches

Only 5...count 'em...five little days until THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!! The weather has been almost perfect for the past week or so, and promises to be great for Spring's official arrival in less than a week.

This is the time of year when everything starts to look a little brighter, the winter depression starts to subside, and fresh, renewed life appears everywhere. I have, in the spirit of optimism, started to put away the winter wools and heavy coat. I have also started looking ahead to my absolute favorite day of the year...Easter. Yes, Easter is my favorite holiday, (even counting Christmas.) The food, the sunshine, the blossoms everywhere...Easter is the best day of the year, in my opinion.

With apologies for the nonsensical segue from Easter to violent killings, I watched the first installment of the long-awaited new season of The Sopranos last week...WOW! As usual, the series is tight, brilliantly written, and full of the unexpected. Tony getting shot by a senile Uncle June was not what I had anticipated... now the big question is "does he die?" Conventional wisdom says no, but The Sopranos is edgy and unusual enough to possibly kill off the protagonist and wind down the series showing the aftermath of Tony's death. It will be interesting to see where they go with this...

Auditions for Kiss Me, Kate are this weekend. More on this story as it develops... it looks like there will be a good turnout, I feel very confident in our director (Andy Duxbury) and I predict the show will be an excellent cap to CenterStage's best season yet.


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