Thursday, June 21, 2007

Blackpool And Parrish

As usual, I have let too much time pass between apologies to all four of my confirmed readers. (Paul, Andy, Jennifer and Aaron, thanks for reading!) If anyone else ever reads any of this, please respond. I'm thinking of holding an appreciation lunch for my readers in a single booth at Shoney's...

I have been cast in a VERY funny play, "Blackpool And Parrish." It is directed by a good friend of mine, Clay Boyce. So far, the cast seems extremely talented and FUN! Nice, nice people and a hilarious script. I know the show will be successful, and I am going to do my best to get lots of people in the theatre.

Not much else to mention...the CenterStage Rising Star workshop is going well...the kids will be performing "Grease" next Friday/Saturday night, and I am really proud of the work they are doing. It's a talented group, and even the one or two slightly mischeif-prone kids are so good-natured it's hard to fuss at them too harshly. Besides, it's summertime and they're having fun, so all is well.

That brings up a point of philosophy I have been pondering lately in re CenterStage...for those unfamiliar with the Bham theatre scene, let it suffice to say that there is a LOT of theatre and as many philosophies as there are companies. Schools of thought range from "we're all here to have a good time" to "this is as serious as a heart attack." I think we (as a company as well as a collective of individuals who love theatre) have found a nice balance between the two. On one hand, you don't want to just goof off and do a crappy fraternity skit, but at the same time you don't want to make the process so opressively harsh that the final product, while good, is borne out of drudgery. It's a hard balance to strike, but I think we succeed.

"Futurama" is coming on to run.


1 comment:

Aaron White said...

I dunno if I'll be able to catch Blackpool and Parrish since I'm in Fuddy around the same time, but if I can I will!