Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday!!!

Well, today is "Super Tuesday" and those of us with a political bent will be closely watching the exit polls, etc. I think my girl Hillary is going to win more states than Obama, but it's going to be close. California is looking perilous, but this campaign has proven that anything can happen. We shall see...

I am finally crawling out from under a nasty head cold that pretty much wiped me out over the weekend. Two days of doing very little beyond sipping TheraFlu and sleeping seems to have worked. Yesterday I was much better, if not 100%, and today is starting off well. Hopefully I am done with it. Today's newspaper has a front-page story about the widespread flu epedimic in Birmingham. A few pages back is the weather forecast, which predicts a high today of 76 with much cooler temps tomorrow. Alabama in February is a perfect breeding ground for all sorts of seasonal illness...

Next Thursday is opening night of I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change. The show is going to be amazing, despite my continually fumbling attempts to master even the most basic of choreography. Last night was a full run-through, and while I definitely have work to do between now and next week, I can see the finish line, and I know that I will make it. Vocally, it's a wonderful show, but with some intricate harmonies that are still giving me fits. As fun and rewarding as it is, this is one of the most difficult shows I have done in a long time.

On a paralell track, Into The Woods continues towards an early March opening. As soon as I Love You... is up and running, I am going to have to really start working it hard to catch up with my castmates. Into The Woods may truly be one of the best shows CenterStage has ever produced. The cast is top-notch, the director and production staff are outstanding, and it's one of the most good-natured casts I have ever encountered.

I suppose I am in a Sondheim state of mind, as I have really enjoyed checking out the following links on You Tube to the Patti Lupone/George Hearn "Sweeney Todd" concert. Both numbers are hilarious and well-performed. "A Little Priest" is ghoulish fun, and "The Worst Pies In London" show Mrs. Lovett at her most delightfully self-effacing...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxKLqvsw0zs ("A Little Priest")

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwzqz9ImmH8 ("The Worst Pies In London")

That's about all for now. Got to start the day early today by voting before going to BCT for two performances of Tom Sawyer.

Today from The Motherland... one last glance at Super Tuesday...

HILLARY IN '08!!!!


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