Friday, October 02, 2009

A Song For Kim D...

Day 38: The optimist wakes up and says "Good Morning, God." The pessimist says "Good God, Morning." I don't recall where I heard that, but I've always liked it...

This morning on FaceBook, my good friend/adopted sister Kim D was bemoaning her fate...working retail. We've all been there before, and we all know it can be rather trying. I thought a little something in the style of Noel Coward might amuse her and make the day a bit brighter... :-)

"Working Retail With Cocktail In Hand"
(by FLT3 with apologies to NC)

When ringing the clothes
Or hankies for the nose
Of the lady with the charge plate in hand,
I often reinforce myself
More specifically, re-course myself
Towards the oldest respite in the land...

A slug of gin
Will quite do in
Any of the workaday blues.
And a beer surreptitious
Is always delicious
While dealing with the afternoon to-do's.

From dustman to surgeon
They all must submerge in
The claret from time to time,
And be not perjorative
Re the powers restorative
Of a lightly chilled vodka and lime...

Working Retail With Cocktail In Hand
Is what maintains civility
To the best of ability
Throughout this sceptered land.
'Tis no jest or joke,
That a bourbon and coke
Keeps a smile on the face and a pistol out of hand.

When an elderly matron is shouting with anger
And you wish she were bludgeoned or banned...
Don't bother to ask,
Take a nip from your flask,
Working Retail With Cocktail In Hand...

In today's News From The Motherland...a new direction for The Evening Standard...


1 comment:

Prof. Chronotis said...

This is a lyric of very heavy-duty proportions. I am in awe at your talent, knowing as I do that these things do not come easily.