Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bum Pinching and Yard Work

Now this is just funny...apparently her bum was just too irresistable...


Not much going on this week...various workshops have drawn to a close and the mad rush of first-of-the-year subbing has yet to begin, so I have a week or so of relative freedom. I have been spending a lot of this time helping my dad put up a fence in my parents' back yard. From digging holes to mixing cement, I have done a little bit of everything, and actually sort of enjoyed it. We've been able to spend some time together, and the work has been hard but rewarding.

Comedy of Errors continues apace. I am struggling with memorization...Elizabethan prose is something you can't really paraphrase, so it's a bit tricky. The show is going to be performed outdoors in Aldridge Gardens, which will be very nice.

I have a few more Harry Potter comments, but I am still sort of forming my thoughts...lots of philosophical imagery...will post them soon and hopefully get a discussion going. It is fascinating to see how the series "grew up" with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The first few books were obviously for children, and then the series got darker and more sophisticated. I am still planning to read the entire series again, in sequence. Maybe I will offer a running commentary as I go along.


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