Monday, July 02, 2007

Scooter, Scooter, Scooter...

The announcement came today that Dubya has commuted Scooter Libby's prison sentence. If I understand correctly, he will still have to pay the fine and bear the stigma of the convicted felon. The only deus ex machina turn is that he will not have to actually serve time in prison.

While I am disgusted by Libby's actions, it may shock some of you to learn that I have no problem with the commutation. I have long held (and espoused) my belief that non-violent crimes can usually be handled outside the penal system. I just think prison sometimes creates more problems than it solves...and tossing Libby in with serial killers and hard-bitten thugs wasn't the answer. (I also think Don Seigelman and Richard Scrushy could have been punished outside the prison system, but that's another story...)

A quarter-million dollar fine, two years probation, and forever being branded a felon is punishment enough for what Libby did. I know that many of my fellow Democrats will be screaming for blood, but for once (JUST ONCE) I actually agree with Bush...Libby's sentence was too harsh.

...but I still think Dubya is an idiot. ;-)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would generally agree that 30 months in jail for purjury is a bit exessive, but you must remember that in this case, Scooter was covering up and lying to protect the Evil Mr. Cheney, and the Retarded Mr. Bush. Hence, I think he should have served some time. W commuted his sentence because W doesn't think the law applies to himself and his friends. I guess it's good to be the King...