Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Well, the inevitable seems to have happened. Roy Moore, national joke and former Chief Justice of The Supreme Court of Alabama has announced his intention to run for Governor.

I am trying to keep myself from throwing up.

For those who are fortunate enough to have been spared exposure to his idiocy, this is the same Roy Moore who placed a 2000-pound hunk of granite bearing the image of The Ten Commandments in the State Rotunda and refused a court order to remove it. After much flailing, wailing, and bad theatrics, Moore found himself removed from office. Now he wants to be Governor. What a joke. How laughable.

How sadly possible.

Moore has learned his lessons well. Alabama politicians have known for years that if you can convince the hysterical religious fanatics that you are on "God's side," you will get elected. The brand of Christianity preached by Moore and those of his ilk is big on the concept of God taking an active role in daily affairs of state and government. Never mind all that nonsense about loving your neighbor and showing compassion and forgiveness for your fellow man, just make sure that you can carry a gun and that your children can pray in school, and all is well.

I have wanted to move to England for years, and this just may send me there once and for all. Even the thought of living in a state governed by Roy Moore, in a country presided over by George W. Bush is enough to make me physically ill. Fanatical puritans rejoice...your day may well be coming.

On the other hand, I may be underestimating the people of Alabama. Perhaps most of them will have the sense God gave a turnip. Perhaps they will realize that a right-wing lunatic who uses the name of God to further a third-rate political career is "taking His name in vain" in the worst way.

Anyone who reads my posts is well aware that I believe in God. I go to church. I am not some Godless heathen, nor am I some sort of whacked-out atheist. I just have a HUGE problem with a dumbass like Roy Moore placing himself above the law and trying to hide behind The Bible to justify his own unfounded sense of importance.

If you live in Alabama, PLEASE VOTE when the time comes. I'll most likely be voting for the Democrat (probably Don Seigelman, if things stay on their current path.) If you don't like Seigelman (or whoever) then vote for the Republican (Riley, unless something bizzare happens.) Vote for an independent. Vote for the Green Party candidate. Vote for the Reform Party candidate. Write-in Mickey Mouse, Curious George or Dennis The Menace for all I care, but please do not vote for this idiot.


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