Monday, October 03, 2005

Random Monday Musings

It feels like summer today, with a predicted high temperature of 88 degrees. I can live with this.

I have my first test in Educational Psychology today. I feel prepared, and I think I will do well. It's an interesting class, and the teacher is very lively, so it's easy to pay attention.

"Cinderella" auditions seem to have gone well. Melissa should be posting a cast list relatively soon.

"Opry" had its' first night in the theatre last night, and while there were many of the expected train wrecks, overall, we got a lot accomplished. I am sure that subsequent rehearsals will go more and more smoothly.

Church and breakfast yesterday avec mes parents. As always, after I got over the horror of getting up in the middle of the night (6:30am) it was very nice. I have come to really look forward to our weekly visits.

Last night was also the read-through for "The 1940's Radio Hour", which is being presented by Little Theatre Players, another Bham arts group. I am playing the role of Clifton Feddington, which should be great fun. The cast seems to be particularly strong, so it should be a good show.

More later...


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