Friday, January 25, 2008

Sweet Carolin(a)...

Well, tomorrow is the long-anticipated South Carolina primary...I think Hillary has a good shot. Obama has started to come off as snide and imperious, which I think (and hope) will work in her favor. I just received the Hillary buttons I ordered last week ( for those who are interested.) I started to wear one a day or two ago, but decided it was a bit early...

Since I am on a political tear (which is far from unusual) I took great interest in the fact that Dubya is going to deliver a very abbreviated State Of The Union speech. Thank God. The shorter the better. That man has been a national/international/global embarassment for seven years, but at least he seems willing to slither off into the sunset quietly. Only one more year...

Actually, I shouldn't be so hard on Dubya...bless his heart, he's just dumb. He can't help it. I would guess he's probably a decent enough guy to have a beer with, and he could certainly sit around and swap BS stories, but he's just not presidential. Granted, he would probably be an amusing small-town mayor, but still...

Not much else to has been positively arctic here for the past few days, but for whatever reason it just hasn't bothered me. I have actually kind of enjoyed it for reasons stemming purely from vanity...I got a black pea-coat (which I really like) for Christmas, primarily to wear in London (which was freezing.) I had assumed it would be too warm to wear it very often in Alabama, but so far, I have gotten quite a bit of use out of it.

Tom Sawyer (BCT) I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change (VST) and Into The Woods (CenterStage) continue to progress nicely towards their respective openings. Family and friends are all doing well, and my girl Hillary is going to win big tomorrow. I can feel it! :-)

Today from The Motherland...a noble bear...

Hillary in '08!


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