Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Today, I will lead with the News From The Motherland, which tells of the AMAZING victory last night in New Hampshire...

I will confess to having been a total theatre nerd and popping My Fair Lady into the cd player last night and playing "You Did It" a few times, in honor of Hillary. Our girl has, indeed, "found her voice" and I predict a hard-fought contest with Obama...ending in Hillary's nomination and election. (At least that's what I hope will happen.)

It was easy to recall the excitement that surrounded Bill's election in 1992. I was at UA at the time, clustered with several friends around the TV on election night. I remember the sheer joy, energy, and HOPE that came into the Oval Office with our last Clinton. At the time, I was glad to get rid of the then-President Bush...who would have guessed his son would have made him look so good, so wise, so presidential?

We've had eight years of the evil being led by an idiot. We've had eight years of winter...and now it's time for spring. If Bill was going to "force the spring" a decade and a half ago, Hillary can welcome the warmth and blossoms that come with the season.

It's easy to get caught up in the heady wind of victory...I have already been thinking about how wonderful it will be to return a sophisticate to the White House. After eight years of a semi-illiterate bumpkin, we're starved for some culture. After eight years of a semi-theocracy, it's time for some seperation of Church and State...and it's time to cast off the shackles of a hidebound, reactionary, puritan administration.

Yes, I believe in God, and I go to church (okay, not as often as I should, but still...) I am not some godless heathen, and I do not advocate crack deals at grade schools or sex in the middle of the Galleria...I just think many issues of morality are best left to the individual, which is exactly the message Hillary is sending.

The last Clinton brought eight years of economic prosperity. Bush II has done his best to run that into the ground.

The last Clinton had a consentual liason with another adult, (which should have been a private issue between The President and his wife.) The most recent Bush lied to start an illegal, immoral war where thousands have been killed. You tell me which one is more immoral...

Hillary wants us out of Iraq. I could not agree more.

Looking ahead, we've still got some work to do. Obama is still a formidable opponent, but in many ways I think he's the most formidable. Once Hillary has the nomination, she should find it easier to defeat any Republican in November. McCain is to mean-spirited...he will snap at the wrong time...Romney is too smug...Huckabee is a buffoon...Rudy might be a little harder to beat, but our girl can take him. I am cautiously optimistic about November.

Go Hillary!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At this point I'm actually not sure if I like Hillary or Obama better. But, that's a good dilema, as they are both very smart and have good ideas. On the Republican side, the only one who I just don't like is Guliani. I actually like Huckabee's ideas about scrapping the IRS. Basically anyone is going to be a lot better than Bush. Only one year left...