Sunday, August 30, 2009

Rainy Sunday

Day 12:
IRVING: Now, I may need your assistance in giving this shot. Are you by any chance a registered nurse?
LILA: No...but I used to be a junkie.
IRVING: Would it endanger your amateur status if I asked you to use a sterilized needle?
(from Blake Edwards' brilliant Hollywood spoof, S.O.B.)

Today has been wet, rainy and grey. While that might be a perfect prescription for depression if it happened every day, it has actually been quite cozy and cheerful. I always feel close to The Motherland when it rains, although I have spent quite a few beautiful, sunny days in Mother England. Motivated by the gloom as well as my anglophilia, I have had Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd on a constant loop while I have done various things such as cleaning the kitchen, folding clothes, etc. It's been quite nice to hear songs about murder and cannibalism while doing domestic chores.

In today's News From The Motherland...a well-attended art show.


1 comment:

lisadee said...

it's been years since i've seen s.o.b. i think i need to add it to the collection.