Sunday, September 06, 2009

Hail To The Chief

Day 18: Please, don't squeeze the Charmin.

I wish I had fifty kids today, so I could sign fifty permission forms allowing my children to hear the president's speech. The actions of the reactionary right continue to mystify me...and no, I am not being a hypocrite. If George W. Bush had prepared an address to the children of America, I would have said that the kids should hear it. Politics aside, no reasonable person can honestly think that a sitting president would say something inappropriate in a speech being broadcast to millions of schoolchildren. (Cue the sigh and eye roll...)

Not much else to report. Just a short political rant today.

In today's News From The Motherland...Venice lauds Pixar.



Melissa said...

If I had known how rowled you were going to get, I would not have told you about the kiddies and their parents. :-)

FLT3 said...

I'm glad you did. Plus, I saw in the paper today where Oak Mountain Middle School is not airing it. Insane.

Melissa said...

Most schools did not. :-(